
Welcome to Lunatix Lab!

Author: Lunatix
Created: January, 3, 2025

Hello, welcome to Lunatix Lab, a space dedicated to developing knowledge in the fields of computer science and cybersecurity. The main idea of this blog is to document my studies on computer architecture, compilers, and cybersecurity. But who am I? I am a curious person who enjoys studying and understanding how things work in detail. So, here you will find: theoretical explanations of important computer science topics, practical applications of the theories studied, tutorials on how to install and configure tools, among others.

Don't be alarmed! I will also use this space to share ideas and thoughts that may not be related to computer science. For example, you might find reviews of restaurants I or a friend have visited, recipes of dishes I enjoy making, texts about politics, or perhaps all of that in one post. I will try my best to categorize them to organize and improve the search for specific articles, but since this blog currently has no backend logic, it won't always be possible to make things easier for the reader.

The design of the Lunatix Lab website will be a constantly evolving process, as it will always be changing to become more pleasant for the reader. Since web design is not my specialty, I will be improving the layout and frontend functionalities as I advance in my studies of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I hope that these constant design changes don't drive you away, dear reader.

If you want to get in touch to share your opinion about the topics written here, you can use the email I am open to feedback and corrections, however, please know that I am not interested in your hatred, keep it to yourself. Thank you! If you would like to receive notifications about new content, feel free to send a message to the email above, it will be a pleasure to have you as a reader.

That being said, I wish everyone a great read and hope that we can learn a lot together.

See you!
